
We are looking for a dedicated part-time Online Catch-Up Tutor to help students bridge learning gaps and catch up on missed or challenging material. This fully remote position offers the flexibility to work from anywhere with an internet connection. As an Online Catch-Up Tutor, you will provide targeted support to students in various subjects, helping them reinforce their understanding and build confidence. Your responsibilities include creating personalized lesson plans, conducting engaging and interactive sessions, and offering tailored feedback to address individual learning needs. If you have a strong background in education, excellent communication skills, and a commitment to helping students succeed, we want to hear from you! Join us in making a positive impact on students’ academic progress through effective online catch-up tutoring.
We are looking for tutors in:

Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Xinese, Korean…

Science: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

Reinforcement: Primary school, Secondary School, Further Education and University

Extra-curricular activities: Music, guitar, piano…

Computing: Programming, Web design…


No prior experience necessary.

Knowledge of the subject being taught.


Flexible schedule

Work anywhere in the UK/Worldwide

Get paid between £20 and £40 /hour.

We are looking for a teacher with strong communication and teaching skills to be able to help students understand and comprehend the knowledge imparted in the subject.


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