Quest Global

Job Requirements
[客先] Customer Name
Japanese Major Automotive Company
[業務内容] Responsibilities
 要件を実現するシステム設計
 要件、システム設計内容を元に、ECUに対する仕様作成
 仕様を元に検証仕様作成
 検証仕様を元に検証環境構築、検証の実施
 システム運用を最適化する業務フロー設計
 社内協議、サプライヤ協議
The candidate will be responsible for development/verification work related to data collection and remote diag.
The work is expected to include the following:
 System design to realize requirements
 Create specifications for ECUs based on requirements and system design
 Create verification specifications based on the specifications
 Architecture of verification environment based on the verification specifications, and implementation of verification
 Design of work flow to optimize system operation
 Internal discussions, supplier discussions.
Work Experience
■必須要件 ■ Must Have
 ソフトウェア開発経験/SEとしての開発経験(分野問わず)
 Experience in software development / development as SE (any domain)
■尚可要件■ Good to Have
 車両システム開発経験、データ通信(無線、有線、車両ネットワーク)システム開発経験、オープンシステム開発経験(Json/gRPC/Protocol buffers/HTTP2/YAML/等)、ダイアグ開発経験(規格に対する知見)
 Experience in vehicle system development, experience in data communication (wireless, wired, vehicle network) system development, experience in open system development (Json/gRPC/Protocol buffers/HTTP2/YAML/etc.), diagram development experience (knowledge of standards)
■語学力■ Language Skill
英語力 – 不要 日本語 – ネイティブレベル
English – Not required Japanese – Native Level
[雇用区分] Employment Type 正社員 Permanent Employee
[想定年収] Annual Salary 600万円~900万円 6.0 Million JPY ~ 9.0 Million JPY
[勤務地] Work Location
広島県安芸郡または神奈川県横浜市 Hiroshima Aki-City or Kanagawa Yokohama-City
[採用人数] Number of Hires 1
[本ポジションの就業時間/休憩時間] working time/break time for this position
休憩1時間 12:00~12:45, 17:45~18:00
9:00~17:45* *Based on project team condition, start/end time can be flexible max 1~2 hours
1 hour break 12:00~12:45, 17:45~18:00

Quest Global